Product Upsells
Adding cart 2.0 upsells
Click on "Add block” and scroll until you find the "product upsells” block.
You can add up to 3 product upsells and you can display them on the cart body or footer.
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that, if you have the toggle type enabled (Toggle button style is set to anything except Classic add button), the upsell product NEEDS to be UNIQUE. Products from the main page, gifts, bundles and/or other upsells won’t work.
Duplicating the product solves this issue.
Preselected upsells
You can preselect each toggle upsell product under the Products part of block settings.
Displaying on certain product pages only
You can display the upsells on selected product pages only by setting the "Display" option to "Specific products". Then, writing the handles of the products you want to display the upsells on in the "Products to display the block on" setting, and splitting them with a comma.
In the example bellow, the upsell bellow would only be displayed on products with handles "thedogface-puffer" and "product-2-handle".