Product page
Bundle Offer

Bundle Offer


Enable Bundle Offer

Click on "Add Block” under Product information and add the "Bundle offer" block. img-700

Assigning products

Click on bundle offer and scroll to the bottom. You can add up to 3 products to your bundle offer and offer discounts for them with a percentage or fixed amount. img-400

Adjusting the settings

To access the section settings, click on the bundle offer block.

From there you can change the text content, border, dividers, color scheme, price colors and the offer type.

Offer type

By changing the "Offer type" setting, you can either make the block act as a separate offer with its own Add to Cart button, or make it the main offer which works with the main Add to Cart button and included the upsells & gifts from the product page.

IMPORTANT: Automatic discounts for the bundle discount/free gift can NOT be combined with other automatic discounts/codes.

You can overcome this by duplicating your product and putting a lower price.