Estimated shipping block
Add the Estimated shipping
Estimated shipping is located in Product information blocks, to add it click on Add block and find Estimated shipping.
Access the settings
To access the settings, click on the Estimated shipping block.
NOTE: In versions before 1.2.2,, under the Product information, the Estimated shipping block will be displayed as its text.
Click on that to access the settings.
Customize the icon
From the settings you opened, you can display/hide the icon, upload a custom icon, choose icon size and vertical alignment of the icon.
Customize the message
Scroll down in the block's settings and you will see the options to change the text and dates that are displayed.
Use [start_date] to display the earliest date a package can arrive. That date is calculated based on Minimum shipping days you enter in the settings.
Use [end_date] to display the latest date a package can arrive. That date is calculated based on Maximum shipping days you enter in the settings.
Customize the dates
Changing the date format
To change the date format, click on the "Date format" settings.
Changing the days and months
To change the text of the days and months, edit the "Day labels" and "Month labels" options.
Write the list of days/months and separate them with a comma.
This is an example of translating the displayed days and months to French: