Bundle Deals

Bundle deals

Adding the Bundle deals section

Click on Add section and find Bundle deals. add bundle deals

Assigning products

Click on each block and assign a product to it. You can have up to 5 blocks (products).

The section won't work unless you assign a product to each added block. add bundle deals

Adjusting the settings

To access the section settings, click on the Bundle deals section.

From there you can change the text content, color scheme, desktop layout (vertical or horizontal), enable/disable dynamic price changes (see bellow), enable/disable Skip cart option (go straight to checkout) and change the total price & add button text.

IMPORTANT: This option enables dynaamicaly changes of prices when an item has been selected/deselected or a varinat has been changed, but, due to the fact that Liquid is executed before the render (meaning money filters can't be used for new prices) currency converters WILL NOT work with new prices. add bundle deals